Thursday, December 15, 2011

Adventure Awaits....

I have under 24 hours left here on this incredible island before I head back to Quito! It’s been such a whirlwind – I can’t believe it’s already mid-December! I suspect the rest of my two weeks is going to go so fast. My schedule is both laid back and crazy and look a little something like this:

December 16: Travel from San Cristobal to Quito

December 17: Going away dinner in Cumbaya and final sightseeing in Quito

December 18: Fly from Quito to Guayaquil (another city in Ecuador)

December 19: Fly from Guayaquil to Lima

December 20: Fly from Lima to Cuzco (Closest city/town to Machu Picchu)

December 21: Rest!

December 22-24: Hike Machu Picchu!!! Thousands of stairs here we come!!

December 25: Reach the top of Machu Picchu, celebrate Christmas, and return to Cuzco in the afternoon

December 26: Fly from Cusco to Lima, cross our fingers we can switch airlines and get our boarding passes in our 45min layover, and then fly from Lima to Guayaquil

December 27: Fly from Guayaquil to Quito. Take in our last night in Ecuador…..

December 28: Fly from Quito to Houston, 3.5 hr layover, and fly home to Portland landing at 6:13pm!!!

PHEW! Should be amazing! Keep your fingers crossed all those flights work out! Also that my camera doesn’t break or get stolen until I get to the states J Thanks!

To make things more exciting I will only be taking a carry on bag for my time in Peru. Since we have that ridiculously fast plane switch in Lima on the way back we can’t afford to check bags. Therefore, each of us will be carrying only our backpacks and a purse for 10 days. We’ll also have a small duffel bag to share between us to keep a change of clothes for after the hike. I’ll essentially only have 2 pairs of pants, a handful of shirts, 1 pair of sweatpants, rain gear, and lots of underwear to last me for 11 days.  You are not going to want to stand near me on the 26th J Luckily, a warm (hopefully) shower and the rest of our things will be waiting for us when we return to the Secret Garden hostel (where we all started!) on the 27th.

I will not have my computer with me so blog posts will be scarce (if at all) until possibly my return to Portland. I will probably hit a couple internet cafes on the way to let everyone know I’m still alive but that will probably be it.

It’s going to be strange to leave. I already know I’m going to miss the amazing fruit juice, friendly people, the sea lions(!), warm climate, and yummy panaderia here. I think I may not miss the one temperature (cold) showers, white rice, lack of privacy, and slower than dial-up internet. Also, I can’t lie, I can’t wait to hit the Houston airport for a HUGE salad and maybe some really terrible for you, greasy, over priced pizza. It’s the little things J

It’s been an amazing adventure thus far and I’m really excited it’s continuing a little longer. I’m sad to say goodbye to so many new friends on Saturday but feel very lucky to be able to continue the journey with old friends.

Hasta luego, chao, paz!!

Some parting shots:

Lobo love

I want to rub her tummy SO bad!!

Me and the crazy statue of Darwin 

Up on the viewing platform on one of the last days here

Looking out towards town

How the town watches an important soccer game (there is a TV in the little tienda)

My last dinner at my host family's house: Cheese/spinach/potato soup and tuna with onions, rice, and green bean salad! This is the most veggies I've had at any meal at home! *Amazing!!*

I'm going to need to do some shopping in PDX......

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