Friday, September 30, 2011

Bit and pieces

A post of pictures to show what I've been up to for the past few weeks!  

Some of the amazing sunsets I've seen - I can view them from right in front of the university!

We went on a 'field trip' to see how the island is powered (wind turbines and diesel), where the compost goes, where the water comes from (and how it's filtered.... or not really filtered as the case is), and the dump. It was an interesting few hours to say the least..... 

            The compost pile from a day's worth of collecting

Other pictures of trash, tin, and random items waiting to be taken to the mainland. Trash goes every 2-3 months so until then this stuff will just sit.

This is one of the water treatment areas in El Progreso at the top of the island. 

A farm house in the highlands in El Progreso

The streets and different vegetation in El Progreso

Every other Friday night there is a cultural night/talent show on the boardwalk (el malecone). Anyone can perform and the events lasts for about 3 hours. We went to see two of our fellow students play guitar and also to watch all the local talent. It was pretty neat!

A huge number of people come to cultural night (it's so loud that they probably couldn't sleep even if they wanted to!)

This picture is grainy but it shows one of the neat acts that we saw. In the back is a drum band made of up young people (students?). In the front is a monkey and a robot (?) that danced around to the music. They are made out of recycled materials to promote sustainability! Very neat. 

This is me in my room. It was taken by my host Mom's granddaughter who is 5 and doesn't care that I don't speak Spanish. If I count with her (Spanish or English!), pick her up and spin her around, or hang out with her she is happy.

A flower I saw on the way to school

I walk along this beach everyday to get to school - at night or the early morning I get to play "dodge the sea lions" too (it's pretty fun :-P)

My house! That grey concrete building is where I live. The first floor is a little shop, the second floor is the house (my room is just to the left of and behind that hanging pink curtain that is stretched over the outside hallway. The third floor is where we line dry our clothes and the fourth floor is where I sometimes get internet (the roof)! This street is just one block away from the boardwalk!

Sea lions everywhere!

The top right picture is from the beach - it's pretty common to see them snuggling up early in the morning or at night.

The picture right above is the playground off the boardwalk. We find the sea lions on benches everywhere!

This bottom right picture is a little baby sea lion that might have lost it's Mom =\
Crabs on the rocks. There are lots of different types here but I only know them as "big red crab", "little red crab", and "black crab" :D

Bird perched on the rocks (I'm seen SO many cool birds here!)

Lastly, this is a picture inside GAIAS where we all sit and do hw. Those doors are often open and they go out to a balcony area that overlooks the ocean. It's pretty awesome!

My classes don't officially start until Oct. 10th so until then I'm finishing papers from my summer classes and doing some service work. I'm helping out with some programming through GAIAS and also tutoring a woman for an hour a day. She's an advance English student named Dorys who is trying to pass her exit exam. She's a really hard worker and SO nice! It's been great!

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