Friday, October 14, 2011

Day by day

Just a quick post before I head off to go tutor!

I had a great swim in the ocean this afternoon. I wasn't out for long but the sun is shining and it was so pretty. My day also included pizza (a rare thing here!) and some delicious coconut/chocolate soft serve from the ice cream man that drives around (sort of like a very old school ice cream truck). I think the chocolate part is actually made from chocolate milk but I'm not positive. It's a dollar a cone and it was well worth it today!

Yesterday I got to watch a baby sea lion necropsy. That was pretty amazing, sad, and incredible. There have been baby sea lions dying at a high rate here (about 60%). Since July alone they've done 41 necropsies on babies. They think it's a respiratory infection (leptospirosis) for most of them but this one may have also had a heart attack.  As a non-bio person I was pretty fascinated since I don't see this kind of thing often. They weighed the baby (it was SO skinny), measured it, and did an external exam. Then they cut him open - they cut open trachea first to look for fluid, then took samples of the liver, took out the kidney, and examined the intestines. I had to go but that was pretty incredible and quite sad to see on such a little baby.

This weekend I'm going to focus on writing papers and hopefully get some snorkeling in. As of today, I've swam in the ocean every single day for one month. It's like meditation to me - I love it :D

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