Thursday, August 25, 2011


So the most frequent question I got asked before I left was, "What are you doing in Ecuador?". I always said that I was taking classes, doing service, and living with two host families (one in Quito/Cumbaya for a month and one in the Galapagos for three months). But I never could answer exactly what my classes were all about (because that was inevitably the next question).

However, I started class on Wednesday and it's a bit clearer. I have two required classes plus an optional Spanish class. Right now I'm taking one class called "Organization, development, environment, and volunteerism". It's basically a social and political economics class focused on Ecuador. I'm in the class here in Cumbaya and then I'll take a break and work at my service placement. I'll finish the class from late Nov-mid December after having experienced more of the culture.

The other class I'll only take for three weeks in October and it's a political ecology class. I still don't know exactly what it will be like but I think it will be interesting.

Then I have a 2hr Spanish class each day which is muy helpful! I've never had formal class so it's really great. It's making me more confident which I need. I'm not sure how that will work in the Galapagos but I'll get about 11 classes here before I go.

This doesn't sound like too many classes but it's about 4hrs/day, plus I'll be doing around 15-20hrs/week of service on the Galapagos. Additionally, we all still have about 65pgs of summer papers to finish. Yet, it's still WAY less work then back home - it's nice :) I can spend time with my host family, practice Spanish, relax.....

It also means after class I can go with friends to get one of these:

Mango margarita 
(2 for 1 happy hour special at the Mexican restaurant near camps!)

Yum! :)

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