Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Last day of relaxation

Today was a really relaxing day. Christina and Elysse had to finish papers so I took it easy and did some work on the computer, watched a great thunderstorm roll through town, and spent time working on my Spanish. My view was pretty awesome, to say the least:

Tomorrow afternoon we meet our host families! I just got an email - apparently my host family had an emergency so now I'm with someone new. I was originally with Elysse but now I'll be by myself - probably the quickest way to learn Spanish! There is a husband and wife and "Juan" who is 20. No animals and no smoking. I'm excited!!

Some other interesting info about Ecuador....

Can you guess what the white things are in this picture (I'll give you a hint, you are looking down at the ground at the entranceway to a house):

If you guessed vertebrae you're right! Apparently in Quito vertebrae of animals and humans used to line the entrance to houses. Something about protection and hierarchy although I can't quite remember the exact reason. Still pretty crazy.

I'd upload some more pics but I've lost most of my internet for now. 

Buenas noches! 

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