Thursday, August 18, 2011

Rough night

It was both an awesome night and a rough night yesterday evening.

The good:

The rest of the Portland ladies arrived! We now have all seven of us safely in Quito with all our bags and belongings! Woohoo!!

The bad:

Poor Amy's flight got so delayed. She was suppose to be in at 10pm but didn't get off the ground until 2hrs after she was supposed to. Then it was foggy and the Quito airport was closed so her plane had to circle for 45min. Crazy. She didn't get in until just after 2am.

The ugly:

The inevitable happened..... Montezuma's revenge has struck: Christina, Elysse, and I ate something that didn't agree with us at all. At 2:30am Elysse starting throwing up. It hit Christina about 3 hours later and me an hour after that. The other two are in rough shape though hopefully, slowly, on the upswing. We've got Gatorade and bread and are relaxing in the hostel while the other girls do a walking tour. I didn't get so sick and have been feeling significantly better over the past hour! I think it might even be shower time!

We head out to meet our host families in a couple hours - should be exciting! Hopefully all will be feeling up to par (or at least a bit better) by then!

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